Thursday, January 19, 2006

Hatred is inherently precise in a close knit society.

So as today started as yet another of those perfectly normal days where I have to study for fuschmucking number of finals, and try to survive until period so and so, I believe that I was happy for a period of time during the day. Vertebrate Zoology killed my spirits in the beginning because I received (i before 'cept after c) a relatively good score on my final. Of course, not as good as dear Cindy, but my readers will forgive me for no recibo un nota buena compared to a piece of Victoria's Secret glorified lamprey underwear. Nevertheless, it was a good grade and the fourth highest in the class. Yes, I'm rather egotistical like that. As the day continued to progress, I encountered my next final: Lingua Latinam. Or the language Latin. Also a hard final, but I think I'm too bogged down in studying to finals to really actually concentrate on the test when it appears lo and behold! magically in front of me. The day progressed with a venture to Cindy's spanish class during my free period, and eating lolipops and hitting Kevin on the head, and doing Jefferson's math homework. Did I mention that Stephen sat on me? Not such a great sensation I might add. And I never did win at bingo. All in all, I've realized that I've made so many new friends, and have gotten close to so many of them. I think, probably without track, I'd be totally lost, but just suffering together in the armory makes it all perfectly bearable. Especially making friends with the boys track team. "Bagel Man".
However, in stark contrast to my happy-go-lucky mood after coming home, and waiting at Kew Gardens for half-hour b'cause I, being the awesomely perfectly intelligent person forgot to call mis parientes before I got onto the train and then talking to Stepha for that half-hour (or maybe me just complaining), I practically immediately went online. It was there that I saw probably the two words that just shattered my life, my happiness, and probably a friendship that I hoped to save. I can't make an effort after you tell me to, and then get backstabbed in the back. I'm not perfect, but I can be oblivious, and that's when you need to tell me. Communication is essential. However, I cannot say that I didn't expect this to happen. Day One, I worried that once we got too close, I was going to do what I always do: I distance myself, and find myself acquainted with others. Maybe I should have warned you? Maybe not. -Perfection can sometimes be perfect hell- And no, I am not talking about someone anyone here knows. It may sound like it, but my life does not revolve around similar issues to this one. I'd just wish that maybe I wasn't such a bitch, a coward, and a true backstabber.
Well, there's this person, who I absolutely love to death and that would be the end of it. And there's this other person, who I understand, but who thinks I don't understand, where I really understand better than that person will know, whom I love, and want to know that I love. In addition, there's this person who's exactly like me, and simply put, that fact alone can cause problems, but I love this person. Then there this person, who seems to be so understandable, but I want this person to know I'm there for this person, and that I love this person too. I also know that these people will not bother to read this, and the entire point of me writing this is rather irrelevent.
Ah. That angst-y rant did make me feel good. I need something big to cheer me up right about now. In one of the randomest comments ever, I've never fallen for a nice guy. But I feel like I could be. Oh, the horror.


Cindy said...

hahaha oh shush gee-o-free the catfish-giraffe. =P i love ranting here about all this angsty shit because it really DOES feel good to get it all out and not give a shit who reads it. because, like u said, the person u end up ranting about will never chance upon ur site in a million years [which can be a good or bad thing >.>] angst angst angst i hate it and love it at the same time =D

Cindy said...

WHY DO UR TITLES MAKE U SOUND SO SMART?? not that u arent in real life... ;P my titles are always :), :P, >.<, or any ocmbination of asian smileys LOL
oh right why am i here... i know!
and the spammation continues... =D

Cindy said...

oh and i forgot: BAJAR VERBS!! XD

Cindy said...

and thanks catfish -- ur comments always make me feel a lot better =)

Cindy said...

lol catfish i wish i could be as S-M-R-T as u ;P

Cindy said...

GOOD LUCK ON COMP SCI U CATFISH!! im sure ull do fine... really, ur freaking out wayyyyy too much ;P and dont worry, if u starting panicking again, just remember that ill be here =) [at least until 1 am... then its time to catch some ZzZz's] LOL =P

Cindy said...

u neurotic catfish... brooks totally screwed u guys over... but im sure u did fine... the juniors that i asked said that they give crazy partial credit. and if everyone with brooks fails, then he HAS to make a massive curve or else he'll look like a complete retard who cant even teach a bullshit class like computer science. =P

Cindy said...

aww catfish ur the best! :) such good advice all the time. seriously u should be the next oprah or something and u can send ur ole buddy underwear here a car ;P
and u should make a new post because all these comments make me look like im stalking u >.>
hmmm... anal-retentive people... sounds like me! >.< LOL
and yeah yeah i know i shouldnt even be here commenting because i have chem and precal tomorrow but oh well this comment is already all typed out =D