Sunday, January 15, 2006

What one does when its not Tuesday nor Thursday

In my mad rush to prove that this new addiction will last longer than my other fads, I've decided to post as many mundane and rambl-y posts as possible within the space of said time. However, this is merely a waste of time to hold me over 'till my animes come out, or my stupid gosh-forsaken Naruto finishes downloading. See, dear readers, Bleach comes out every Tuesday, and since I am currently on a humongous Bleach rampage, Tuesday becomes my holy day and replaces Sunday as the icon-worshipping day. Thursday is the day that Naruto (new episodes mind you) come out, and it makes me feel happy that perhaps I am accomplishing something by attempting to keep up to date with the episodes, all 168 of them. Perhaps I've simply been on too long of an anime binge, and this is all my anime-less days catching up to me. Or maybe its just something to prevent me from studying. Either reason works perfectly well.
In a very extremely random piece of thought, which Cindy is going to completely guffaw over, I've discovered that nerve in your knee that doctors always hit to make your leg literally jerk. Yes, I do realize that I have much too much time on my hands, but this is a step closer to studying. You see, human anatomy is related to biology, which in turn is related to the study of animals, i.e zoology, which is related to vertebrate zoology, which is related to that horrid horrid class that I'm taken, which is related to the fact that that horrid class is one of the few electives that has a final, which is related to the fact that I must study for this final in the space of tonight or tomorrow afternoon.
Now that you've seen how fast my brain makes up all these diagrams with arrows pointing to random subjects, one of the reasons I will not be able to study tomorrow morning is that I must participate in a track meet, named MLK relays. As a result, at approximately 12:45, I will run a 4 x 200 with 3 of the fastest people on the team. Why I was chosen to run as well is quite a mystery, but will make me feel horrible afterwards because I know I will slow these people down, and that will make me feel absolutely horrendous. One of my pet peeves is failing, worst of all, failing others. However, the next horrifing thing is that I will run in the following race as well, at approximately 1:00, I will also be running another 200 meters, but this time in a Sprint Medley, which means, 400, 200, 200, 800. I will most likely run the third 200. I will definitely be much slower in this race, because in order to not slow the other down, I will go all out during the first relay. Which means, 10 minutes later, I must get all my strength back, and still be able to run a 200 at my best time. Which I will not be able to do. If you actually understood that paragraph, then kudos to you.
I was talking on the phone with someone recently, on one of my stays-up-'till-2-on-the-phone-with-someone, and had come to the conclusion that I don't really do that well with guys. Though I'm usually obsessing about a random guy at most points in my life, there have only been 2 guys that I have truely actually 'liked' in my life so far. This certainly doesn't say anything good about my personality; in actuality, this shows how dependant I am on stability in my life. While procrastinating some more, I found a site that proclaimed itself as Quizilla. Or something along those lines. Apparently I'm a in the closet pervert, but thats completely off the topic. On one of those quizzes, a question popped up that asked, "Do you prefer stability and comfort or change and adventure?" I really don't like things changing, even though outerwardly I seem to be rather comfortable with change, but internally I can't stand it at all. Thats probably also why I can't stand nostalgia and things that remind me of such memories.
And the angst strikes again!


Anonymous said...

you really like using the word nostalgic and derivatives of it don't you? lols i love you hamster :]

Cindy said...
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Cindy said...

damn that was one frickin long post! lol ur knee is COMPLETELY related to zoology. of course of course! why didnt i see it before? yes i am forced to acknowledge tiffanys geniusness. i mean genius. =P hmmm i think i like stability too, but then again, who doesnt? but change is good too,i guess -- otherwise ull get bored with the same old thing all the time. i cant say ive ever really LIKED a guy, but thats just me cuz im asexual. like an amoeba. =) ive always just kept everyone as 'friends' but maybe thats because im afraid of anyone getting too close. who knows. anyway this comment is getting incredibly long, and im wearing out my brain thinking about stuff thats way too philosophical, for me at least. back to stupid things! la dee da....

Peppermint said...

Aww I used to love Bleach! And Naruto! Then the storyline got boring and Naruto got super sucky. :D

Aww :( Good luck at the relay! Psh you got chosen cause you're FAST! Of course you're not going to slow anyone down. :)

Gosh teens are so full of angst. I like to take Quizilla quizzes too, and if it gives me a result I don't like, I pretend I never even took the quiz. :p (Denial.)

Peppermint said...
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Peppermint said...

Hahaha I spelled xanga wrong.

I'm an idiot. It wasn't on purpose. :D

Kolchin kinda emailed me back... he gave me my test scores and that was it. I'm emailing him again today.